Compliance Management System
Compliance Management System (CMS) and Ethics

Fraport TAV is committed to being transparent, fair and accountable in its dealings with its stakeholders (employees, managers, suppliers and third parties,…). In performing its activities, the company complies with the applicable legislation and its contractual obligations, and acts within the frame of its Code of Ethics. In this context, Compliance Management System is implemented with the purpose of responding to the fast-evolving needs of domestic and international stakeholders’ expectations.
CMS is a systematic approach to preventing non-compliance that ensures business is always done in accordance with laws, regulations and ethics.
Situations that have the potential to negatively affect the brand value, business continuity and financial structure of the Organization by violating the law, internal regulations and ethical conduct rules are defined as compliance risks. Compliance Management Guidance, Ethical Conduct Guidance (CoC), Third Party Assessment Guidance, Anti-Corruption Statement have been created. Additionally, Compliance Risk assessment has been carried out to provide guidance and direction to the company, it’s employees, those who act on behalf of the organization and business partners
Our employees are subject to the Disciplinary Procedure when they violate ethical rules such as bribery, extortion, corruption, receiving and giving valuable gifts, accepting luxury entertainment, insider trading, etc. Our suppliers, who act in violation of the Code of Ethical Conduct, may terminate their contracts with our organization. In this context, adherence to the law, social and institutional norms, adherence to ethical codes of conduct, and a transparent corporate culture are important to us.
When objectionable behavior and risks that threaten our organization are observed, our employees are expected to participate and notify the Management. Because any employee may prevent the effects of risks that may come to our company. You can make your notifications on the link given below, with or without anonymity. The person concerned will be contacted via the shared contact address or the confidential contact address created.
Compliance Rules
Compliance issues are regulated in the CMS guide, and in certain guides, the necessary topics of "gift and invitation", "conflict of interest" and "risk assessment" are also covered. There are also basic compliance processes, especially regarding business partner evaluations and internal audits, as well as Code of Conduct-Employees, Code of Conduct-Suppliers.
Compliance Risk Analysis
The compliance risk analysis is conducted regularly at Fraport TAV in order to identify the relevant compliance risks. It is used as a basis for the targeted derivation of appropriate compliance programs.
Whistleblowing System (BKMS) and Case management
BKMS: PPublication of the whistleblower channels on the corporate website.
Fraport TAV’s basic policy is to ensure integrity in all business processes. Fraport TAV creates various channels to report the situation or potential violation of laws, internal regulations and ethical rules. The aim is to detect and eliminate irregularities. These channels are open to everyone; to employees, customers, suppliers, business partners and third parties. Employees can also provide information via the "intranet" system of the Organization.
Fraport TAV provides special protection to whistleblowers who transmit information in good faith to reveal irregularities. They are protected by maximum confidentiality and, where possible, anonymity. Information is handled and feedback is provided to whistleblowers, as long as it does not violate general moral rules and violate personal rights.
Case management:
The receipt and professional investigation of reports of misconduct are key elements of the compliance management system. The objective is to clarify the allegations, rectify established irregularities, and take suitable measures in order to prevent future compliance violations and harassment.
Responsibility in Supply Chains:
Fraport TAV considers human rights and the environment whenever making business decisions.
A risk assessment is carried out to identify, prevent or minimize the risks of human rights violations and damage to the environment. Fraport TAV has taken preventive measures, established a public complaint procedure and decided to make regular reporting.
Due diligence obligations relate to the company’s own business operations, the actions of a contracting party and, on an ad hoc basis, the actions of other indirect suppliers. Fraport TAV fulfills all its obligations completely. Respecting human rights due diligence obligations is a top priority for us as a values-driven company.
Fraport TAV employees regularly undergo specific training on various compliance topics. The relevant training is delivered via e-learning courses or in person in line with the target group’s needs. In-person courses are mainly used for special topics or for deepening knowledge. Further more if request of training by suppliers it can be provided.
Compliance and Ethics Documents
Compliance Management System Guideline
Conflict of Interest Guideline
Gift and Invitation Guideline
Code of Conduct –Employees Guideline
Code of Conduct-Suppliers Guideline
Third Party Due Diligence Guideline
Third Parties Compliance Commitment
FTA Compliance Commitment
Complaint Implementation Procedure